Between a Rock and a Hard Place

SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA – Ryan and his family knew they had the perfect spot for a home office, even though there were a couple of (not so tiny) obstacles. However, as the pandemic loomed on, their idea shifted to an urgent need. Ryan contacted Modern Shed Design Consultant Jeff Bergerson. “No other shed manufacturer wanted to touch our space because of the boulders. It wasn’t until I got an on-site inspection by Modern Shed preferred installer Dave Walterick that I felt comfortable moving forward,” said Ryan.
Simply put, Ryan, Jeff and Dave realized the standard 10’x12’ shed wouldn’t fit, i.e., “in between a rock and a hard place.” As a result, they decided that Modern Shed would tailor the shed to fit – a 9’x12’ shed. “The space is REALLY tight between the rocks and the setback rules; it is literally inches away from one of the boulders,” Ryan explained.
“Once it started to rain, the dirt covering the utility trench started to settle, and Dave’s crew came back to jack up the shed in that corner,” said Ryan. “Luckily, the very large timber used under the walls and floor was strong enough that the shed hardly moved.” This is an example of the strength and durability of Modern Shed’s unique floor system.
If you’re ready to invest in a lifestyle upgrade for yourself, contact Modern Shed today!

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