Modern Shed

Why Should Men Have All the Fun?

Author Erika Kotite spent nearly a year studying the “she shed” phenomenon for her new book, “She Sheds: A Room of Your Own.”

The Painter’s Dilemma: Meet Barbara

Before finding Modern-Shed, Barbara’s large-scale paintings had begun to take over her living space.Before finding Modern-Shed, Barbara’s large-scale paintings had begun to take over her living space.

“I’m a large-format painter, specifically I paint portraits, but for the last seven years I’d been painting in our dining room,” she said. “The last series I did were roughly 30-by-40 feet. Sometimes I do 36-by-72 feet work. I work in panels and by the end of the day I’d have stacks of paintings.”

Each night, Barbara had to clear away her portraits so that her dining room could return to a livable space.

About Us

Here at Modern-Shed, we believe in simplifying your life. Modern-Sheds aren't your typical garden or storage shed. Some of our clients use the spaces as home offices, art studios or guest cottages, all conveniently steps away from home. Visit us at for more information.