Modern Shed

Quality, quickly: An on-island solution

San Juan Island — In an ideal world, Tom wouldn’t have purchased a Modern-Shed.

What more do you need?

Here at Modern-Shed, where every employee works remotely, we completely understand the needs of our customers who want to find a quiet space where they can work from home in peace.

“Perfect For What We Need”

Cory and Jeremy with the first Modern-Shed on their property, which they eventually turned into a guest suite.

KIRKLAND —  When Cory and Jeremy toured their future home two years ago, they were surprised to find a Modern-Shed already installed on the property.

About Us

Here at Modern-Shed, we believe in simplifying your life. Modern-Sheds aren't your typical garden or storage shed. Some of our clients use the spaces as home offices, art studios or guest cottages, all conveniently steps away from home. Visit us at for more information.