Modern Shed

Food for the soul

Slim stands outside of his Modern-Shed art studio in San Rafael.

SAN RAFAEL — Nine months after Slim and Penelope first put up their Modern-Shed art studio, the couple is still pleased and amazed with how much their Modern-Shed has changed their life.

Getting into the zone

Erin Evans, Kevin Goodier and their son Idris, 2, love their new 10′ by 12′ Modern-Shed home office.

REDMOND — Eighteen months ago, when Kevin and his wife, Erin, moved to their new home in Redmond, 15 miles northeast of Seattle, they knew they needed more space.

About Us

Here at Modern-Shed, we believe in simplifying your life. Modern-Sheds aren't your typical garden or storage shed. Some of our clients use the spaces as home offices, art studios or guest cottages, all conveniently steps away from home. Visit us at for more information.