Modern Shed

Relax with a Modern-Shed sauna

It’s the end of summer, but you can still find time to unwind, especially if you’ve got a Modern-Shed primed for relaxation, like Natasha and Bill. Natasha’s art studio and sauna sheds were featured in July’s issue of Seattle magazine, but she gets to reap the benefits of a Modern-Shed relaxation space year-round.

The sauna shed

Natasha’s 8′ by 10′ Modern-Shed art studio on the left and 8′ by 6′ Modern-Shed sauna.

SEATTLE — Growing up in Russia, Natasha has always considered using saunas to be an integral part of life.

About Us

Here at Modern-Shed, we believe in simplifying your life. Modern-Sheds aren't your typical garden or storage shed. Some of our clients use the spaces as home offices, art studios or guest cottages, all conveniently steps away from home. Visit us at for more information.