Don’s 12′ by 16 Modern-Shed meditation room

SANTA CRUZ — It’s been one year since Don installed a Modern-Shed meditation room in his backyard, and he couldn’t be more at peace with his decision.

“I think I was the ideal client,” Don recalled of the process. “I needed something like this, but I didn’t know anything like Modern-Shed existed and I didn’t have any options to get something built in less than three months. This prefab solution was perfect in my situation.”

In fall of 2014, Don had lunch with a friend, who mentioned how happy she was with her husband’s Modern-Shed home office that had recently been built.

Don had just moved to a new home in Santa Cruz, but he was lamenting the fact that he had to give up the healing, yoga and meditation studio he’d had at his other house.

Don sets up a table to do hands-on energy healing work in his shed.

“I do hands-on energy healing work, like Reiki; that’s my post-retirement occupation,” he said. “I had a 13’ by 18’ room that existed in my other home, and I didn’t have room for all the furniture and gear for all of it here.”

Don faced having to either meet with clients in an office outside of his home that he’d pay rent for or find some place in his living room that he could set up his table and do work.

When his friend mentioned how quickly Modern-Shed worked, Don looked into the company right away.

“I needed to get it done within three months because I didn’t want to put my furniture into storage and I had a move-out date in the home I was in,” Don said. “I talked to dealer Modern Mike (Probach) and he said we could do it. They put together a crash schedule and it was all complete within time. It was quite a process to watch.”

Don’s Modern-Shed features sliding glass doors and windows that face the ocean and cedar siding that lends the shed a professional air.

The Modern-Shed crew came the day after Christmas in 2014 to build Don’s 12’ by 16’ shed.

The shed features a cedar wood ceiling and cedar siding and large windows and a sliding door that face the ocean.

“I set up a table and do my healing work here,” Don said. “My clients love it, the way it’s tucked away on a very small piece of dirt that wasn’t being used. It’s hidden away and it feels very cozy and they can feel privacy for the healing work that I do.”

Don’s clients love how cozy the Modern-Shed feels.

Don was impressed with how quickly Modern-Shed worked, though the detail work took a little bit longer than he was expecting.

“Once the timing challenge was addressed, the rest of it was really all well-coordinated and was pretty worry-free from that point on,” he said. “If there was one thing that was more of a surprise was I thought it would be wrapped up in four days, but it was more like 10 days with the detail work.”

Large windows bring in plenty of light.

Don was happy with how it all worked out in the end.

“The detail work was not a big problem,” he said. “I’m really happy with the lighting and the paint that all the stuff that did happen. It’s all done very professionally and looks classy.”