PORT TOWNSEND — Seattle fashion photographer Sarah Jesser recently borrowed our Modern-Shed compound in Port Townsend for a bright and colorful fashion photo shoot. Check out the photo gallery, and our interview with the up-and-coming photographer below:

1)   How did you discover Modern-Shed and what appealed to you about the Modern-Shed space?

I found Modern-Shed through an internet search for property rentals in Port Townsend. I was attracted to the modern design with unique elements, design attributes and layout of multiple sheds with the courtyard. Upon more research, I was and am drawn to the purpose / idea behind Modern-Shed, of having lifestyles / living spaces that combine more indoor living with outdoor spaces.

2)   Tell us more about your background:

I have a natural inclination towards photography and first began carrying a camera around and taking photos of friends in elementary school. Throughout the years, I would complete ‘fashion shoots’ for fun with friends, and in early adolescence started taking an interest in fashion advertisements in magazines. It wasn’t until three years ago that I decided to bring photography and fashion into career objectives through commercial photography. Though I always had a photographic eye, I never acquired technical skills, thus started as a blank slate and built myself from the ground up with the great education provided through the Seattle Central Creative Academy.

Presently I am in the initial stages of launching my business, contracting photography services with independent designers and boutiques to market their products, designs, and brand. Expansion of my business services will continue, as well as team development for enhanced levels of production.

4)      What was the purpose of the Modern-Shed photo shoot?

The purpose was to bring creatives together, to each bring expertise and skillful contribution for a successful production collaboration. Such a project thereby illustrates how design industry professionals can collaborate on something bigger, show team-work attributes to create and fulfill projects to hire, while also highlighting each individual’s talents, thus marketable as an independent as well. Such projects a goal is always to walk away with  portfolio/ showcase pieces that sustain as marketing attributes to bring to the industry, highlighting creative visions and life work.

5)      What was your inspiration for the Modern-Shed photo shoot? What type of look/feel/aesthetic were you trying to go for?

Once the Modern-Shed location was firm, I had a specific designer in mind, who though doors remain open for future possibilities, was not available at the time of this shoot. Due to being so drawn to this designer’s look, and the harmonizing juxtaposition the designs brought to the environment / design of the Modern-Shed, I didn’t want to stray from this style. Anthropologie was the next closest stylistic source I could think of, and the concept continued to develop with this theme. The theme essentially combined stylistic elements; natural looks with bits of modern edge woven in, a staged setting that combines lifestyle fashion with editorial push, and mixing ‘Anthropologie’ type environmental styling with the Modern-Shed design. An additional shoot would extend from this concept and be heightened stylized beauty shots.

6)   Why is fashion important to you? What kinds of fashions do you espouse and how did Modern-Shed help you achieve the look you were going for with the shoot?

I love the creative attributes of fashion, its expressive qualities, how communicative it is on many levels presently and throughout the course of time. The important attributes about creative productions, and design, is to be able to devise unique creative solutions, and the Modern-Shed environment could aid many concepts and purposes.

8)      Who are your fashion photography idols?

Alexander McQueen, however I really like many designers, campaigns and advertisements. It’s the creativity and impeccable execution that draws me in and inspires me. With strong references of knowledge, you can peel back layers of how much brilliance can actually be involved in a concept or design development.

9)      What can space (the right space) mean for clothes or photography?

It’s all about cohesive design, staging and styling. Every attribute means something and communicates in the photograph or video. If something is off or doesn’t work, it can detract or make failure of a whole production, so it’s important for every attribute to be the successful choice for the production at hand.

11)   If you could purchase a Modern-Shed, what would it be used for?

I think probably an office or cottage.