Navigating the messy world of building codes and permits can be an overwhelming and daunting experience for many of our Modern-Shed clients.
The nuts and bolts of permitting
Something More
Northern California — Like most people who find Modern-Shed, Darren started off looking for something more.
Indoor-Outdoor California living
SAN RAFAEL — From the start, Rebecca and Jeremiah based every design decision regarding their Modern-Shed as if they would one day live there.
An immediate solution
BERKELEY — Karina and her husband Thomas never expected to stay in their two-bedroom, one-bathroom 1939 California bungalow for long, but after 11 years and two kids, they’ve grown accustomed to their neighborhood and their cozy home.
A worthy investment
WEST SEATTLE — Walking into Tami and Peter’s living room in West Seattle, you can understand why the couple is attracted to Modern-Shed.
How To: Decorate an Art Studio
Many customers use Modern-Sheds as personal art studios. For example, check out one of our recent customer profiles:
A glowing recommendation
Sometimes we at Modern-Shed get a customer testimonial so awesome, we can’t help but sharing directly.
Something with integrity
PENNSYLVANIA — “I wanted to build something that had integrity to it.”