Modern Shed

The attractive option

This 10′ by 12′ Modern-Shed will serve as a gym and later home office.

BAY AREA — For Devan and Anne-Marie, finding the time to go to the gym when they had a new baby on the way and both worked unconventional hours beyond the typical workday proved to be a challenge.

“Perfect For What We Need”

Cory and Jeremy with the first Modern-Shed on their property, which they eventually turned into a guest suite.

KIRKLAND —  When Cory and Jeremy toured their future home two years ago, they were surprised to find a Modern-Shed already installed on the property.

We’ve been featured….

In Oregon Home Magazine!

All in the Family

Holly and Chris purchased twin Modern-Shed studios at their vacation home and cabin.

BAY AREA — For years, Holly and her sister-in-law, Alexis, each dreamed of adding onto their residences.

A sacred spot

Lin’s 12′ by 16′ Modern-Shed nestled in the front yard of her Vashon Island home.

VASHON ISLAND — In the early 90s, near the start of Lin’s career as a professional artist, she began working from home and relished having the personal space to create close by.

The nuts and bolts of permitting

A 14′ by 14′ Modern-Shed garden studio in progress.

Navigating the messy world of building codes and permits can be an overwhelming and daunting experience for many of our Modern-Shed clients.

The space to create

Something More

Northern California —  Like most people who find Modern-Shed, Darren started off looking for something more. 

An exciting new deal

Modern-Shed is excited to announce a new partnership with Peninsula Credit Union, a Western Washington-based financial institution that works closely with its members to meet their needs.

What in the world is prefab?

In the world of “prefab,” there are some misnomers.

About Us

Here at Modern-Shed, we believe in simplifying your life. Modern-Sheds aren't your typical garden or storage shed. Some of our clients use the spaces as home offices, art studios or guest cottages, all conveniently steps away from home. Visit us at for more information.