Earth Day has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean we at Modern Shed don’t still care about providing sustainable products.
Why We Use … Benjamin Moore paint
We’ve started a new series “shedding” light on the fabulous products we use, such as Benjamin Moore paint.
Reclaiming space
When Kim and Odessa moved to San Rafael nearly three years ago, they bought a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home that worked for their small three-person family.
The Modern-Shed standard
We hear it all the time — “Why build a Modern-Shed when I can find something cheaper at my local home improvement store?”
First, we’ll let a few quotes from clients speak for themselves, on why Modern-Shed is a better choice over a less expensive option:
Modern-Shed living
Apartment Therapy profiled one of our beautiful, little Modern-Shed guest cottages in San Rafael, Calif.
Liveable space
Seattle — From a certain vantage point near the front door of Scott and Stacy’s house, one can almost see into every room in the 730-square-foot home.
The simple convenience
Shoreline, Wash. — Alex’s garage was at the end of its life, but it was the only place in his small home he could keep his washer-dryer unit and hot water heater.
An outdoor dreamscape
Seattle — When Sara first bought her small home in Seattle a decade ago, there wasn’t a single tree sitting on the 3,800-square-foot lot.