PORTLAND — Within the first year that Steve started his consulting business, he knew he needed to find a space to work outside of his house.
Quality, quickly: An on-island solution
San Juan Island — In an ideal world, Tom wouldn’t have purchased a Modern-Shed.
What more do you need?
Here at Modern-Shed, where every employee works remotely, we completely understand the needs of our customers who want to find a quiet space where they can work from home in peace.
Why Should Men Have All the Fun?
The Painter’s Dilemma: Meet Barbara
Before finding Modern-Shed, Barbara’s large-scale paintings had begun to take over her living space.Before finding Modern-Shed, Barbara’s large-scale paintings had begun to take over her living space.
“I’m a large-format painter, specifically I paint portraits, but for the last seven years I’d been painting in our dining room,” she said. “The last series I did were roughly 30-by-40 feet. Sometimes I do 36-by-72 feet work. I work in panels and by the end of the day I’d have stacks of paintings.”
Each night, Barbara had to clear away her portraits so that her dining room could return to a livable space.
“Perfect For What We Need”
KIRKLAND — When Cory and Jeremy toured their future home two years ago, they were surprised to find a Modern-Shed already installed on the property.
The Twin Studios
SACRAMENTO — There’s never too much of a good thing, especially when it comes to Modern-Shed.
The Two-Minute Commute
BAINBRIDGE ISLAND — With a young daughter at home, Charles didn’t want to face a two-hour commute each day to get to the Seattle offices of the social media company where he works.
An immediate solution
BERKELEY — Karina and her husband Thomas never expected to stay in their two-bedroom, one-bathroom 1939 California bungalow for long, but after 11 years and two kids, they’ve grown accustomed to their neighborhood and their cozy home.